The 28-Day Fast Start Plan Book & Workbook
Join 100s of women transforming their lives
Cutting edge science meets a return to ancestral feminine wisdom in a book study & exclusive private FB Group.
If you feel like you are depleting yourself every month while trying harder than ever,
this is YOUR wake up call to transformation.
It’s not your fault
There are simple solutions to finally achieve your goals
Doctors, practitioners, coaches, dietitians are trained on labs, food, muscle fibers, calories and more…
They are NOT trained on YOUR Nervous System Regulation or Feminine Energy Cycles.
This is where I come in to get you RESULTS based on YOUR unique energy!
The 28 Day Fast Start Plan Workbook is for you to process this journey and experience:
Journaling Prompts
Brain Tricks so you never stay Stuck again

To make sure you SUCCEED and never feel stuck again, I offer Facebook and Instagram Live Q & A time to answer your questions like:
What if I’m super busy
What if I feel guilty for stepping away
What if my weight won’t budge
Why is my thyroid off
Why do my labs “look fine” but I feel horrible
What is my cycle is gone
Why do I keep crying or feeling angry when doing the Visualizations, Breath Work, and more from the video and content in the book
How do I get rid of inflammation fast
That’s right!
You get to actually speak with me every month to ask your questions. Follow me on Insta @wholenessdoctor and on Facebook at Jennifer Van Allen.

Meet Jen.
My name is Jennifer Van Allen
I have 20 years of Modern Allopathic, Naturopathic, and Indigenous medical research under my belt, plus have many additional credentials such as qEEG Practitioner, Kinesiology Practitioner, and organic farmer.
If there was an abuse, stress, or struggle you could walk through, I have been there, and it is part of the reason I have spent so many years learning every modality under the sun.
I created this book at the request of patients, students, and followers all over the world who would ask,
"What Should I Prioritize to Get Healthy Fast?"
Almost every health struggle can be resolved within 2-3 months of implementing the 28 Day Fast Start Plan. People who've struggled with "incurable diseases" have been able to:
Release stored toxins and weight
Open detox pathways
Release trauma stored in their fascia that kept their gut lining and body from healing properly
Rebuild their mind/body connection
Balance their hormones and metabolism
Nourish their body from the cellular level outward
Return to playing in their body again... and more
You are literally wasting time, money, and energy by NOT buying the book and workbook combo this minute!

Testimonies of Transformation